Winter Riding '15

Something tells me you won’t win the most inclement prize with that combo.

A few days before Christmas and I’m out riding after dark in 40 F and rain. The problem this year might be falling asleep riding through dank grey foggy days instead of the dangerous cold.

Going to do the #FestiveFiveUndies in pdx. Weather calls for lots and lots of rain.

Pray tell exactly what is #festivefiveundies?

It’s the festive500 but more fun.

Hopefully this involves a typical Rapha level of high quality documentation.

[quote=rando]Something tells me you won’t win the most inclement prize with that combo.

what if I do it in just my undies?

Planning on maybe doing a 100km in sedona, which would be brutal, do they count MTB miles?

fucking rapha.

So i just got my first pair of winter riding shoes… WTF have i been doing with these shoe covers and frozen toes the past few years?

Ponyed up for some Northwave Extreme Winter GTX. Sizing we guesses to be spot on as they run big and the fit is awesome. They are super comfy and I’ve ridden in 30 degree weather on the trails the past 2 days I’ve had them with no complaints what so ever. Wet, cold, muddy, they are handling it and keeping my feet dry and warm.

Highly recommend(though only have about 4 hours and 35 miles on them if that). Will check back with more miles in the dirt and the road(i use the same shoes for all bikes)

[quote=Brian W.]So i just got my first pair of winter riding shoes… WTF have i been doing with these shoe covers and frozen toes the past few years?

Ponyed up for some Northwave Extreme Winter GTX. Sizing we guesses to be spot on as they run big and the fit is awesome. They are super comfy and I’ve ridden in 30 degree weather on the trails the past 2 days I’ve had them with no complaints what so ever. Wet, cold, muddy, they are handling it and keeping my feet dry and warm.

Highly recommend(though only have about 4 hours and 35 miles on them if that). Will check back with more miles in the dirt and the road(i use the same shoes for all bikes)[/quote]

Will be interested to hear about warmth in the single digits fahrenheit. I’ve got cold natured digits and have found the Shimano MW81s to be lacking below the mid-20s.

Lazy studded tire research:
Looking for a 700c studded tire for icy commuting work. If things get snowy I’ve got a fatbiek, so it’s mostly about surviving/maybe even enjoying icy crap on MUPs and Wisconsin roads. Needs to fit on a crosscheck with fenders.

Hearing good things about the Schwalbe Marathon Winter, but open to suggestions…

The truth remains if it is made in Sweden it is the best. For non-studded the Continental Top Contact Winter II is very good in everything from slush to rock hard rutted snow.

Your fat bike is very good at riding off road and over thick ruts. However for just deep fresh snow a tall thin 700c tire will work much better if you don’t hold it back with fenders. If you look at the best snow tires for full sized trucks they are tall and thin with a solid tread.

I rode the Nokian A10s last year and a little bit this year when it was actually snowy/icy. I rode them mostly on plowed MUPs and roads, so there was some ice as well as that little bit of hard pack you get after a plow. Plus salty slush on the street I guess.

They are supposed to be the “fast” studded tires but I always find them to be painfully slow anyway. I found the grip to generally be pretty good in the above conditions. My caveat about the studs is that they aren’t “confident speed on ice” studs as much as “holy fuck I woulda cracked my head open back there if I didn’t have studs” studs. i.e. when goosing it down a snowy/icy MUP at night I could feel the tires slipping and catching when I’d hit an icy patch at a good clip. I slowed down at that point since it wasn’t a fun sensation, but I did stay upright.

otoh those Marathon Winters look kickass. I would really like to give them a try because they look like they could handle slightly rougher conditions than the A10s.

I made a promise to myself that this year I was not riding on glare ice. Mirror smooth unavoidable glare ice was the most prevalent surface last Winter.

Constant flow of rain and wet flurries with lows in the mid 30’s all this week. Friday night all of it is going to flash freeze. Nah uhh, not going to happen no way.

time to drive your bike to the rapha cafe. It still counts as a ride when your s-wrecks is on the back of your range rover and you’re wearing your exquisitely fitted rapha apres-ride $50 t-shirts.

So, it’s sprinkling and about 50 f out. I think I’m going back to bed. Happy birthday to me.

Non mi ami, the esoteric pricing scheme is worse than you feared. Otherwise you’re spot on correct about why I rarely go there anymore and drink fast with a scowl on my face when I do.

Happy Birthday!

I put on and old Volcom snowboarding sweatshirt this morning and had a quiet thought about how high the quality of construction was to last 20 years and still look presentable. Think it cost $20. Feel like my Rapha tshirt is of similar quality for a personal cost of $8. Nor egrets

Now about that motherfucking fackalilmore crap song you linked. Very possibly might be over my head but what I took away from the few seconds it took me to scramble to close the tab was some guy leaching money out of insecure middle income kids by coddling their lack of material goods while name dropping shit he can afford to piss on and drop on the club floor like their sister with $$$ of his coke up her nose and at least that much in champagne in her belly.

The Rapha thing cuts very cleanly down the middle due to a lack of outdoor industry employee deals. The side they work overtime to keep visible for marketing purposes is cyclists that look good in tight bikey clothes that see them as one of few realistic options for daily strenuous usage. The sales side is almost entirely composed of MAMILS, overcompensators of a different cloth, and people not blessed with a cycling physique that justify the expense for mental fulfillment as they will feel better for looking better in very skillfully tailored clothing serving almost no athletic minded purpose. This is where the $80 merino tshirts magically endowed with a slimming print go. Same for $115 belts made with forty cents of colorfully wound petroleum waste.

It was supposed to rain and it only sprinkled so I rode my bike to work today with 100% non bike clothes. Yesterday I picked up a bike for a friend. It was also raining. I had just hurried to install the road hydros and wasn’t sure if they were going to work 100%.

The weather isn’t so bad thus far this year. I feel a cold coming on. Probably has more to do with my girlfriend’s friend that is staying with us because she can’t say no to anyone (except me) than with riding in the rain. I mostly left to go get the bike to get away from his omnipresent cackle. I think this post might belong in the ot romance thread.

Notice the unwrapped bars and second set of wheels hanging off the front of the bike.

I queued it up to where he’s taking shit about spending $50 on a t-shirt that has gucci printed on the front. I was looking for a gif but most were really stupid, so you got the rick astley of 2013 treatment.

Anyways, the song is about thrift shopping, which is all the rage in the middle class right now. Rapha shit is nice, and I wish I could begin to afford it. Instead, I buy pearl izumi at the year end 50-75% off sales at the LBS.

Plenty of ways to get big R way below retail.

Way below retail on rapha is still expensive. Way below retail on PI is considerably less expensive.