[Yes, Another One] Clipless pedals that can be strap modded?

I want a clipless setup but I’m pretty fucking terrified of unclipping while putting the power down or slowing going down a steep-ish hill. I witnessed my friend almost eat it while skip stopping down a hill… I’d rather that not happen. I think we was using some Time ATAC style pedals that day, but he normally runs eggbeaters.

Anyone, if there aren’t any pedals that could be hooked up with straps other than the old SPD-R’s, is there a MTB pedal that stays really tight? The current Shimano SPD pedals looks like something could be jerry-rigged but I’m not sure. Suggestions?

You could easily put straps on these, even toeclips if you like no mods required.
edit, Ooops, they’re SPD M324’s, $60-65 at yer LBS.

you could get some of those clipless on one side, platforms on the other and rig something out of that.



I’ve popped out of my SPDs a few times while sprinting and never even came close to going down, just rode the pedal around and clipped back in. The first time it happened was very unnerving, but the other times seemed like no big deal. I guess if i was riding 35mph brakeless in heavy midday trafic down a 45% grade, i woulden’t want that to happen durring a skid or something.

I have seen SPD-SLs modded to accept toe straps.

Directions here: http://www.badbean.com/cyclingstuff/spd_straps.htm

So how do you unclip/get out of a setup that is clipless + straps???

Very carefully. I have seen it done primarily at the track. My take is that if you mind your cleat wear and get some proper pedals there shouldn’t be a huge issue.

Something tells me this:

Is not a setup for riding on the street.

um wouldn’t the straps defeat the purpose of clipless pedals to begin with?

Dude. Time ATACs are fine, they’re pretty much the messenger pedal of choice when it comes to clipless. If you replace your cleats when they’re worn and install them properly I don’t see any problem. I can count the pullouts I’ve had on one hand… they were all from running too-worn cleats, except for one when I was in a fast-stop contest, did a 90 degree stem with non-dominant foot forward and pulled it. Probably more to do with my technique than anything else. I whip-skid Time ATACs regularly… they’re great.

If you’re gonna be doing any messin’ at all or at least riding behind messengers since you’d never keep up unless you messed all day, Atacs are all you’d ever need. When I go to the undeground messenger 'cats, we actually have messenger only clipless pull out contests. I won my first about three weeks ago, but none of the strongest messengers showed.

^ I lol’ed

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]Something tells me this:

Is not a setup for riding on the street.[/quote]

I don’t know man. DA track cranks and carbon wheels seem pretty tarck to me.

Huh? How so?

Andre sure does talk about messengers a lot.


Huh? How so?[/quote]

The benefit of clipless pedals is to be securely attached to the pedal, while still being able to unclip easily at will.
When clips-n-straps are set up properly (tight straps, adequately sized clips), it is pretty hard to get out. Loose/semi-tight straps are easier to get out of, but there is a lot of efficiency loss.

Adding a toe strap to clipless pedals only provides insurance against an accidental clipout, not more efficiency gains, and makes it damn near impossible to get out of the pedals. Hence, why such a setup is only used on the track, where insurance against an accidental clipout is paramount. Same reason why those pro track racers modded regular look pedals with a bolt so it is impossible to clip out unless you have an assistant to turn the nut. Hell, even pro roadies don’t use such a setup and they clip in at the beginning of a race and don’t unclip til the end.

Such a setup would be useless on the street- I don’t see any advantage to such a system over just regular tight clips/straps, only disadvantages.

it’s a penis extender.
“look how strong i am, i need extra retention cause i’m too strong for clipless pedals.”


Huh? How so?[/quote]

The benefit of clipless pedals is to be securely attached to the pedal, while still being able to unclip easily at will.
When clips-n-straps are set up properly (tight straps, adequately sized clips), it is pretty hard to get out. Loose/semi-tight straps are easier to get out of, but there is a lot of efficiency loss.

Adding a toe strap to clipless pedals only provides insurance against an accidental clipout, not more efficiency gains, and makes it damn near impossible to get out of the pedals. Hence, why such a setup is only used on the track, where insurance against an accidental clipout is paramount. Hell, even pro roadies don’t use such a setup and they clip in at the beginning of a race and don’t unclip til the end.

Such a setup would be useless on the street- I don’t see any advantage to such a system over just regular tight clips/straps, only disadvantages.[/quote]

Oh, for street riding purposes, I agree. In fact, I think it’s pretty stupid. I thought you were referring to the article about modifying the SPD-SLs.

Andre sure does talk about messengers a lot.[/quote]

only as much as everyone throws around the ‘been messing since the 90’s, strong rider’ thing. which was actually really funny the first handful of times it was tossed around…