[quote=“iloveboston”]Tell me a bit about your city. The lady and I are coming to visit in march (its in the running of where we want to move when she is done with school).
Tell me the good stuff, the bad, stuff, the fun stuff, and the shitty stuff.
I like to drink. I like to get tattooed.
Whats the job market like? I’ve been a messenger in boston for the past 4 years. Can I messenger there, or is the industry too small?
Thanks in advance. All replies are much appreciated.[/quote]
ok, fine asshole.
austin rules, but it’s getting expensive. lots of colleges and college age kids, but that’s both good and bad. the suburbs are growing and taking over. it’s no longer the sleepy town i grew up in. there are lots of places to drink, and austin has more tattoo shops per capita than anywhere else in the world, so you’re covered there. stay in austin proper and you’ll be fine (south of 183, east of loop 1, west of interstate 35 unless it’s central, and north of hwy 71). job market kinda sucks right now, but it’s starting to suck everywhere. it may hard to get a job as a messenger, since there are too many as it is and the city isn’t really big enough to support more than 7 or 8 max. but the summer kids are going back to school, so maybe a spot or two will open up. you have a better chance pedicabbing.
i’m Mr. Grumpypants and i’m going to go eat pizza.
info is much appreciated. i understand how the gentrification goes. its been happening in boston for years. to get affordable housing here its either live with the students or live in the ghetto. we choose the ghetto.
the ghetto used to be cheap, but then gentrification moved in, and now it’s expensive and full of people who are pissed off about it and smash up new construction and vandalize whiteys shit. but, that’s how it goes.
just avoid rundberg. unless you are looking for crack. then go to rundberg.
probably no chance to get a job as a messenger.
i think they have about 10-12 total and i think 3 different companies.
they all work regularly and there is no need for any more of them unless one quits or gets fired.
i think there is one that moved down from boston named Ian, he been here almost a year and just got a job a few months ago if i’m not mistaken.
doesn’t that dude work at peddler now? he was working at performance a while back with my neighbor who hooks me up with free shit, so i was bumming around there talking to him about bikes. seemed like an ok guy. super nice bike.
I have an English friend who was doing a roadtrip across america and he was stopped by armed men at the texas/Oklahoma border.
They asked him "Are you amrerican?’
“No”, he said, “I’m english.”
They went away and confered amongst themselves and eventually waved him through.
[quote=“Rusty Piton”]I have an English friend who was doing a roadtrip across america and he was stopped by armed men at the texas/Oklahoma border.
They asked him "Are you amrerican?’
“No”, he said, “I’m english.”
They went away and confered amongst themselves and eventually waved him through.[/quote]
why would any be stopping people at the border? this does not happen. rusty, this is a lame joke.
[quote=“jim”][quote=“Rusty Piton”]I have an English friend who was doing a roadtrip across america and he was stopped by armed men at the texas/Oklahoma border.
They asked him "Are you amrerican?’
“No”, he said, “I’m english.”
They went away and confered amongst themselves and eventually waved him through.[/quote]
why would any be stopping people at the border? this does not happen. rusty, this is a lame joke.[/quote]
well, to be fair. shit like this happens all the fucking time, just usually down on the Mexican border, not the Oklahoma one.
Austin is a pretty chill place… i like it here at least. its pretty odd how liberal this city is considering its the heart of texas. i think we’re also the heaviest drinking city in america if that’s anything to be proud of. 6th street is a fucking circus every night.
the cycling community down here is awesome, but i don’t know any different.
there’s some damn good food and a lot of shit to do. town lake is fucking gorgeous and so is barton springs… and the green belt is an awesome place to swim/smoke/drink during the summer.
listen to Jim about living location.
oh and if you don’t like hipsters… i dunno what to tell you, because this city is chock fucking full of them.
All systems are a go. For anyone coming to Austin for the race, bring a digital camera or have a camera in your phone. You might have to take pictures of a few things. Bring a geared bike if you expect to win, this race isn’t going to be for the faint of heart…not to scare any of you away. Once the race is over, you’ll still get fed food and beer so don’t be a pussy