You're gunna hurt yourself: Carry Shit Olympics (aka the Cargo Bike thread)

My friend, have you heard the good word?


i wonder if anyone makes a bakfiets that can be set up with enough saddle-bar drop for orc


You could definitely do it with a Bullitt.

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Someone on Craigslist gave me my bob for free

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It’s funny to see this today because yesterday I saw a guy down the street (who I don’t like) had this big ass pecan tree cut down in his front yard. Now I am aware of tree protections and just had to get permitted to remove a dead tree in my front yard. This pecan was definitely not dead and also definitely big enough to qualify as heritage. It was also definitely not permitted! There may or may not have been a pursuant 311 request made…

I should add that my first thought was “I wonder if I could snag some of this” but rapidly shifted to “there’s no way he got a permit for this”


have you found r/treelaw? you do NOT fuck around with trees. the finding out can be extremely expensive. cost of an equivalent tree plus transporting and transplanting, and in some places it’s tripled

lol yeah I have seen some of that. I don’t know how it goes if it is on your property. The city takes that shit pretty seriously here so I’m kinda curious to see if the tree police are out here fast. Looks like the fines can be up to 2 bongs which probably doesn’t upset developers but could sting for a homeowner

I have the tubing in my bike mess


My wife, serving on a town conservation commission that also had tree warden responsibility, once issued a $42k fine for cutting 17 trees that were actually town-owned. The homeowner, who recently moved from Chicago, came in with their Chicago lawyer and asked “how much is the fine really?” and they said $42k and if we had proof of intent, it would be triple (they had circumstantial evidence, but it would have been a bit of a stretch to prove). The owners handed over a check right away.


Did they do it themselves? Bring a Chigago arborist?
It’s hard to imagine a local arborist being willing to open themselves up to such trouble, they must know the law.
What’s the contractor’s culpability in a situation like this?


The big tree companies tend to be pretty cavalier. I think the tree bylaw was mainly aimed at the homeowner. I think it’s harder for towns to go after the arborists because licensing is done at the state level in MA.

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I got my yak from a dumpster

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I saw this thing. First time seeing one in person. I was surprised how small the cargo area is compared to the Bullitt.

it absolutely plows through whatever until you run out of battery, and then i would rather not. but it’s fun though


That’s the short version, there’s a longer one as well

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Seems like a badass machine which it better be for the price!

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When I met the local R&M rep here on a camping trip I googled the bike after we got on the ferry and was staggered at the cost. $14,000 for the one he was on!


Tell me it’s a Riese & Müller without telling me it’s a Riese & Müller.

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Jeez. Sometimes I feel like a fancy lad on my beat up acoustic Bullitt. Old men always ask me how much it cost and then balk when when I say $3500.

old men think a nice bike is $75 or something but will spend $80 grand on a Lexus