Bike blerg thread

hey howdy how are you

People ask me, how do I budget my money? Well, I tell ‘em, just put it in a jar and bury it in the backyard


I track my bike purchases with GnuCash and then make a point to never look at it again.


I’m glad you made this joke, because I was going to but got busy with other things

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lol my former bike got picked up by this account. Immediately got half a dozen emails about it. Good thing Fred bought it last week :slight_smile:



no track, only spend


I make detailed spreadsheets from a template to cover new bikes and I have a running template with position information and maintenance checklists, and I’m really bad about updating either of them

Same. It’s all in the same numbers doc with a. Page for each bike. Rly helps keep me honest with budgeting as my budgeting app don’t track Venmo so I stopped using it for tracking spending in general.

Spreadsheets > all apps.


ok we have almost the same spreadsheet
maybe one or both of us should just clean up the template and make it generally available

or charge a subscription or some shit I don’t know. $8 a month to be a verified spreadsheet user? no way it can’t make money!

Venmo me $2 and I’ll share a link to a version in google drive. :stonks:


I just had a genius idea that nobody else has ever had:
what if we had a really simple database with a really basic UI for iOS and Android, and we charged people like $5 a month to access it.

I mean there’s no way that this could be a 500 billion dollar a year industry, right? spreadsheet apps are free, after all.

edit: also we can make more money because we own their data and use it to spy on them and broker access to them for advertisers

it’s possible that this whole computer era has been a big mistake


I finally bucked my shame a few months ago and added a whole category of bike line items in YNAB, so I could track trends


I don’t really want to make a bike budget but an inventory of all tubes and brake pads would be pretty rad

An inventory of spare bike stuff is something I’ve been thinking about for a while. Not having one has meant ending up having FIVE spare11 spd chains instead of the two I already had.

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I also have a big spreadsheet of my entire parts bin.
Item goes into gallon freezer bag. Bag is labeled. Bag and contents are listed on the sheet. Bag is put into a USPS bin.

I’m so close to having my parts bin be backup brakes and chain pushers or wear items only. I can’t wait.

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I hide the extra bike parts in boxe and bags around my apartment and remember where I buried them like squirrels do.


This year I made a spreadsheet of predicted bike maintenance costs/dithering needs + other hobbies/activates added some slush and divided by 12 came up with about what I spent per month last year on hobbies anyway and now I am pre budgeting it into a fund on YNAB so I can do shit like buy running shoes on sale w/o talking to Sup about it.

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Speaking of inventories, apparently I accidentally own 8 pairs of running shoes