And yet you persisted.
What bike were you putting this on? As rarely as we see them, I don’t remember many dropper posts. Def feels like you were just being a dick. Like, they aren’t making you buy their product. Many other good options existed. Or just yolo a TranzX and hope it works out for the money.
Tarck is about not asking follow up questions or persuing any further questions when ignored
Ok Mig, take it easy or you gonna get blocked here too.
because a company will get asked enough times by their customers to have something in stock, perhaps something that hits a pricepoint that the customer is after. at which point the company decides it is time to slap their name on a generic item just to have it in their product lineup to appease customer.
but you knew all of this already.
The premise of your question is the problem.
If you asked, “What makes PNW’s dropper a better choice over the less expensive Tranz-X?” perhaps you would have gotten an answer
I asked the question a long while ago and I don’t remember how i asked
Well don’t be a hatin’ ass bitch
Seems like only one person being a hatin ass misogynist here.
Bitch when used as a pejorative is a non gendered term
What advantages does this dropper post have over, say, a train, which I could also afford?
No it still is. When you call a man a bitch, you’re not just comparing him to a dog but a female dog. It’s an essentially misogynistic term. It doesn’t even really work as an insult without the implied misogyny.
You’re better than that and you should strike it from your lexicon.
this 100%
Don’t get mad at PNW for taking part in capitalism and don’t get mad at the underpaid social media person trying not to get in trouble. Half of this forum is figuring out what grey market or semi knock off or generic from the same factory item is worth buying over the name brand part. You were never going to get the answer from PNW anyway.
Yep. The whole point is to either emasculate a man or amplify the idea that any woman with a strong opinion/presence/whatever is a bad person.
FWIW we have sold a ton of PNW posts. Rarely had any issues and customer service is fast and high quality.
The best feature of effective white-labeling is to add the customer service layer that a “middle man” generally does far better than an OEM.
So what is a socially acceptable insult these days
But really… just call them a dork. Because they are probably being a fucking dork.
Bootlicker, landlord, profiteer, politician, etc.