Moving to the trails has improved my quality of life immensely. Now I don’t need a car at all!
Haven’t been taking any pictures while riding but have done a lot of it this week. Recorded a shuttle run on Strava and got top 5% overall for the full trail.
Maybe I’ll take some pics tomorrow when I go on my last vacation ride.
Been really stoked on mtb lately. Hoping to come back out here with the rigid single speed for this in September:
But then I’d live in Willow Springs Illinois and I don’t wanna.
There’s actually light rail that allows bikes that goes from there to Union Station downtown so I could do a big multi modal commute if I lived there. It would take like two hours at least though and I have zero ability to work remote.
Went to the bike park and hit all the jumps and drops, and a bunch twisting up and down trails that weren’t nearly as fun as jumping
Good lord I love jumping bikes in the dirt
This thing rocks. Took the long way home, only flat or climbing tho. Not sure what it feels like descending yet. Wife comes home after 2 months away, this weekend. Not sure how I tell her I parts binned a new bike.
After two months away she’ll be surprised it’s only one.
We did a little bike bus for the first day of camp today!
The kids did great on the 7.5mi ride, they just sang songs and told jokes and debated which people and dogs we saw were slowpokes. I told them that I’m a slowpoke and that we’re Team Slowpoke.
Man I am not ready for a Bullitt yet but now that I have my garage back maybe it’s worth looking again
This is a correct statement.
There are currently two bakfiets on Austin CL!
Can’t beat the sub-bong price tag on the acoustic one.
But really, you should buy this:
It matches your Big Dummy!
Too bad the trike is in San Antonio lol…
If I’m getting a bakfiets, I think I’m getting a real Bullitt, I may be slow but I don’t need to be steel-bakfiets-slow.
This is what I would want, looks like a decent price but not ready yet!
But it’s ready for you!
Addmotor? More like already has motor.
In a previous life I worked at a bike shop, got home in July at 8pm, watched the tour until 10 and then got on my sweet fixie to ride the streets in and around Atlanta in the cooler night air. No planned route. No pressure for a good average speed. Just riding and listening to music. I hadn’t done that in 15 years. But since it’s summer and I have no reason to get up early I decided to give it another shot and see if it’s still as fun as I remembered.
I hit a 5 mile long gravel MUP. At first it was amazing. Then I started thinking about the Conjuring movies I’d been watching and started thinking I was seeing things in the shadows. Was glad when that was over.
Stopped at a 24hr convenience store for a Gatorade. Apparently they’ve got a new drink that’s mostly salt and very few calories. Had to get a Snickers to supplement the calories.
Finally, I stopped in the middle of the SR520 floating bridge for about 15 min at midnight because I always wanted to see what it would be like late at night. That was a bad move. I was getting really tired. Not used to being up late. The last 7 miles home was a little rough. If I do this again, I’m going to need to take it more mellow or plan to do fewer than 30 miles.
There is this paved trail through the woods by my house. I have ridden it a zillion times. It is still spooky as hell riding it at night, even with nice dyno lights.
what’s your lighting setup?
The front is a light & motion thing I got from someone on here. I had it on low the whole time.
The back is the little square NiteRider taillight.
Nice. I should do this more as the roads get pretty empty at night. The main issue is finding nice areas to ride to where there also isn’t heavy city traffic
Yeah. Gets real quiet at midnight. The problem is that the proportion of people who are sleepy, drunk or high is likely through the roof. I saw so much sketchy shit. Like a dude going 90 on the freeway with headlights but no taillights. And lots of people who didn’t seem to notice my taillight until the last moment.