it wouldn't be tarck without a dyno thread

Only reason I’m curious is that I already had a full dynamo set-up on the bike I put an e-kit on. In that case it didn’t make much sense to me to buy the wired lights as I’d have to redo all the wiring I’d already done, and then I’d have to do it all over again if took the e-kit off. I don’t suspect it makes much practical difference in efficiency but like Fred sed there are other reasons to have the wired lights.

That’s because fenders and front bags are more aero


First though: Why not both? Second thought: If you’re happy with the current setup, leave it.

I’ve thought about doing a dual setup on the Lorry. Ebike light for ebiking and a dyno light should I want to swap out the front wheel for some imaginary non-ebiking situation. Then the rear light situation would have to be figured out.

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How do you open a B and M IQ-XL. I need to disconnect the batteries so I can lengthen the switch wire but cannot figure out how to get it open. I removed the two small torx screws but it still seems like its clipped together somehow…I was hesitant to pry

I have that exact same setup and the same exact thing just happened to me. I haven’t looked into it at all though. No rear light. Only front stand light. Mine happened after being transported on a car roof rack a hundred or so miles.


Tarckbear provides… just as I noticed the decaleur on my other bike was cracked, these lights started working again! I guess they just wanted to hang dry for a week?

I have learned my lesson and will not gratuitously soak my bikes even if they’re sorta intended for that. (and HY found a secret covered bike rack one building over on campus, so I will no longer be tempted!)


So I was sure that somewhere in the universe you could buy a thin adhesive copper foil wire.

no I don’t want copper foil tape
no adhesive wire tape
no adhesive harness tape
no audiophile flat speaker wire


5/8" wide, encased in matte clear mylar, adhesive, and could be split if you’re using the frame as a ground.


where will you mount your chandeliers though?


dangle one under your saddle like a fancy trucknuts




would look nice on the seat tube RH light boss, or maybe a pair on your fork adventure zits as running lights


We need a whole bike built around these

possibilities are limitless



Apparently it was never on the show, but he used to ride it around the studio lot all the time.


Do you think it planes

Story was schwinn went to California to rip off the customs to design the stingray

GM was much more kind in ripping off CA customs (it hired a custom guy, Harley Earl, and made him a designer in the '20s)

an Amazon Prime seller popped up with B&M headlights at about 50% higher than the best euro prices, and about half of Peter White’s MSRP


Think i’m finally going to try out an Edelux for the Strael.

Has anyone tried this newer version with the inline junction box yet?

It’s 30 EUR more that the standard version, but could be useful if I ever want to switch the USB powerpack in my bag for something like a USB-Werk