Post your Dirty Jumper

My first FG road conversion, love it:

Need some decent pictures though, but for now:

[quote=“JACOB PRIEST”]Thanks dudes.

ps, that bike 2 has no breaks[/quote]
You’re just hatin on my pink Ourys. Jerk.

they are the most fucking bizarre and challenging to set up, ever.

How so? I’m thinking of getting a pair in the future.

Are the cables and levers kinda weird to install because of all the curves?

smoke weed. ride bikes. repeat…


Windsor ‘The Hour’, $150 on cl!

Havent ever posted all my rides here I dont think, finally got some pictures of the bitches.
Bare Knuckle, this thing gets the shit beat out of it, I love it so much.

Schwinn Super Le Tour 12.2, so far there are 15 dollars into this bike, but it’s going to get the group thats on the ross this week and the ross will be fixed (and possibly sold cause it doesnt fit me :[)

Ross 292s setup with the shimano 105 gold arrow group. I dig the bike but its a little small for me.

anyways, yeah…thats it.

they are the most fucking bizarre and challenging to set up, ever.

How so? I’m thinking of getting a pair in the future.

Are the cables and levers kinda weird to install because of all the curves?[/quote]

it was really hard to get the levers situated, but after that snafu, they were great. almost have to use campy/canecreek levers, because of the shape of the hoods.

I know that ross:)
looking good man!

[quote=“SeanBonham”]I know that ross:)
looking good man![/quote]

haha, she fixed up mad nice, I love the bike and the group it’s just a touch small for me.

[quote=“Pat Eisenhauer”]This is my nice bike. Except those wheels and cranks are currently on a neon yellow Vivalo which I don’t have pictures of, and it is now has old Record Pista/Mavic Open 4 CD wheels and a Miche crankset.


holycrap, that is a badass serotta. only way it could be better is if it were a 58cm bike and i was the owner. jesus.

[quote=“dooktruck”]thanks dudes
it’s pretty new so it’s been making the rounds[/quote]

quit whoreing out your massager already.

[quote=“JACQUES”]Mah byke:


shit man, that’s a badass fork crown. badass bike compa.

[quote="(|)"][quote=“dooktruck”]thanks dudes
it’s pretty new so it’s been making the rounds[/quote]

quit whoreing out your massager already.[/quote]

Yeah, “Mr. Pink” sounds like “Mr. Pussy”. Tell you what, let me be Mr. Purple. That sounds good to me. I’m Mr. Purple.

who here knows what you’re even talking about…not many probably.

ok, i guess i kinda have to be mr pink now. or soon. i kicked that other along pretty quick.

how could anyone NOT know what that’s about? for real.

whoever doesnt know that line shouldnt be posting here until they see that film

given the older age range of everyone here, i bet it’s safe to say that 80% of tarckbike has seen or even owns that movie.

not mine but I built it for him.

[quote=“metaljim”][quote=“snails”]new to fixed gears, not really biking

here’s my beast…


did your bike come with a threadless headset? the site says it does, the pictures show a quill stem, and i haven’t heard back from them yet. i’m thinking about just giving up and buying a white one, but only if it’s threadless.[/quote]

yeah, the bike came with a threadless headset…