search the hoard: new wanted/looking for thread

swept back 25.4 bars for mrs pubes bike, 600mm-ish.

Any word on this @karl_dandleton?

still looking. i have the endcaps but have yet to locate the freehub body. it’s possible i already sent it to a tarcker but i don’t see anything in my DMs. if anyone remembers me doing this, please speak up!

fuck, i’m a moron. i bought the 142 road 11 hub and 135 endcaps for my soma. so if you need 135mm endcaps i’m your huckleberry but otherwise i have led you astray. thought i bought standard hg and got an 11 speed to replace it. this was 10 years ago…

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weight weenie 27.2 silver seatpost

42cm 31.8 drops

I’ve got a Thompson and an uno in the drawer. I can throw them on the scale if interested

Does the thompson have setback? What length and how much? I could pick it up today

  1. Brand new $75?
    I’m at home in Brooklyn today if you want but could bring it to work on Monday

Ahh, very nice but I’m looking for a setback post.

Also, I moved to Brooklyn.


King kog was pretty well stocked the last time I looked

I might have bars for you

Anyone have some XT or XTR pedals they want to get rid of for $75 or less?

i got a set of xt pedals and there’s a cheap set of xtr on cl near me.

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Are you offering to expedite those xtr’s? If so, I’d be into both sets and offer you a finder’s fee.

Anyone holding on to a non-wide range 10s road cassette in good shape? Something like 11-25 or 12-28? Hoping to pay $30-40 for something lighter than a new $30-40 cassette would be

I’m like 99% sure I have this, (assume for normal HG freehub body, right?) and I already need to dig in the bins for a post for wickedwagon. I’ll know for sure tonight.

Yep, normal 8-9-10s freehub body.

Whomp whomp.
@Timarchylime no cassettes in nice enough shape that I’d feel ok taking your money for them.

@wickedwagon no gray Deda post. Can’t find it. If I do in coming months you’ll be first to know.

Jimmy’s bike pile comes up empty. These are indeed dark times.

I thought I had a 12-28, but I couldn’t find it. I have this one that is pretty lightly used.