The New New Guy Thread. Your first post goes here. Seriously.

people still join tarckbike?

Weird, right?

Well I lurked tarck for a while and was always super intimidated. Average tarck user age is between 39 - 55?

28-45 I think.

I’m 34.

Average Tarck Rusty age is 31-37.

I’m 27

Just turned 30

Shit, over 40 cru

hi 34 I’m spaghetti

32 and a lady. but i’m not average in any way in this crew.

I’m about to turn 29. Been a tarcker since I was… 20?

If we had joined at the same time, I’d have been 15.

fuck man. too real.

Born the same year as Obama!

But were you also born in Kenya?

Nahp, Aotearoa. The land of the long White cloud.

Funny I thought everyone on tarck was 38-45 married with kids pushing that desk IT company life or disgruntled bike mechs.

(I’m 34 but Asian so 26)