The New New Guy Thread. Your first post goes here. Seriously.

“If you plan on doing any skidding at all, go for a 28c Rando and ignore the recommended 85 psi. I keep mine inflated to 115 and it’s awesome.”

sounds good, lol

Thanks Grumps, actual lulz

lol, what’s actually pretty awesome is that the 49cm Pake already has a 75.3 Seat Tube Angle stock, and the idiotic shorter fork scenario will bring it to a 76.3 STA and 74.5 HA.

Ok… I looked. 350 pages of that? Amazing.


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For a second I wanted to suggest tarck revive their bf accounts to troll with obviously idiotic questions like will a 1" soma fork fit on my cinelli mash histogram or what does 27.2 or 31.6 mean when talking about a seat post but I don’t think questions could actually get any dumber.

Cinelli Mash Histogram?

What the what?

looks like you need a new johnson rod.

that’s how many bearings it takes duh

the guy who was worried about the scratch on his cinelli mash histogram was pretty priceless. touch up paint? lulz.

Fuck. I could have gone a long time without knowing what a Cinelli Pepper was and that it is a thing that is actually sold.

italian spice made in china?

Saw a dude at a recent street fair with a Histogram frame, obv it was built up period-correct to 2008 but it’s a nice looking paint scheme if you’re into that.

This. For all their shenanigans the graphic department at Cinelli usually does a better job than most.

This looks rad in person

Details details…

That shit makes my eyes hurt.

Is this where my Di2 plugs in?

those dudes gramming their artisanal posters being in the air at two corners by fey hands and/or clothespins

it hits them right in the feels


If you were handing beers up, I’m sure I grabbed one. So, thanks for that.

–insert currently appropriate hazing comment here–

This. I have been casually browsing for a new road frame and stumbled on the XCr.

Then I saw the price and almost fell out of my chair laughing.

Cinelli Hysterectomy
