The Nü Nü Nü People Thread - Your first post goes here

Where dat? White Rim?

They’re not, really.

Good eye. It was a real great time.

Thanks for posting what will probably be the only trail I’ll ever recognize have a chance of guessing correctly on tarck.

Looks like fun. How was the motorized traffic?

We saw perhaps 10 trucks each day; they were all really chill. Most disruptive thing was the supported MTB tour that was at the same camp as us overnight, they were loud until 1am or something. But they shared their beer with us, so I can’t complain.

(FWIW, this was in late November and I got the impression that it was not peak tourist season)

I mean at least that pink isn’t a Rivendell but the track-approved Black mtn cycles, but get yer cockpit together plz…

nu guy plz


Shift with a stick. Fuck it all.
Eat trash.
Be free.


The ultimate in shifting with a stick


I can’t believe Jan was willing to get his hand close to the tire again. Last time he tried to reach down on a bike he was riding with his son on a tandem and they crashed. I think he ended up getting a spoke through the hand?

Ahahahaha omg

but also yikes

I rode a bike with that kind of front shifter. Holy fuck the anxiety.

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That’s what the fender is for: Keeping your fingers out of the tire.

But seriously, youch.

oh god i crashed the tandem once when sup was on the back – just a tip over at 0mph but she’s never forgiven me.

I’ve been down in that general area in mid-November, it’s a pretty great time to be there. WAY less people and the weather can be pretty great if you like highs in the 60s (and what feels like cold AF at night).

I need to put White Rim on my list of bikey things to do.

Yeah ideal. Warm enough that you’re not cold when stopped, but cool enough that you’re not sweating balls. And the 8 years I spent in Minneapolis has prepared my body for cold nights.

It’s a really good trip. The riding isn’t too difficult and the landscape is spectacular. Just gotta plan for the fact that there are extremely limited water resupply opportunities.

I totally understand the impulse to build (and rebuild) some oddball bike part for shits and giggles, but to pretend like it is some kind of enlightened and more durable design is asinine. The rod-operated front derailleur was some peak reenactment bullshit and honestly it seems like he’s come off that shit a bit since then.

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This is my main gripe about that whole group. There’s no denying that those old bikes are cool and doing some builds and reenactment is fun. But they look foolish and self-denying when they go off the deep end about how the machines are inherently better and faster because blah blah blah. You don’t hear people saying how their '67 VW beetle is actually faster than a modern porsche because secretly it does this magic thing that can’t be explained unless you already believe it. It’s a sad version of confirmation bias edging on cultish belief.