What's the deal with messengers?

That tiger makes me think of those wildlife t-shirts with full-on screenprinted wildcats/wolves that dorks wore in sixth grade, and maybe still do.

That’s not a tiger.

That’s a triger.

I am that dude. Everyone makes fun of my wolf pictures and wolf decals but I just friggan loves wolves.

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]That’s not a tiger.

That’s a triger.[/quote]

Don’t get…

Nothin’ wrong with that at all. Long as you don’t have a wolves howling at the moon in a desert landscape airbrushed in the back window of a truck or anything.

Where’s timarchy to explain the triger?

My girl and I both like Flight of the Conchords (the tv show more than the band) and so she got me a tshirt with a huge frickin wolf silkscreen that wraps all around from the front to the back. For no reason, it says “Hawaii—Extinction is Forever” on one sleeve. Anyways, apparently more people were getting into these shirts a few months ago because they were selling nos/ non-ironically produced ones for a lot of money at Urban Outfitters in Glasgow (I was just there to check out the sale rack i swear)

Nice. I think my favorite one of this kind of shirt was one that had huuuuuuuuuuuge tiger eyes across its front, then said “Survival Of The Fittest” in big letters across the back. Good stuff.

I had a prof named Mark Glouberman in my second year as a philosophy student, who was teaching as a sessional. He was kind of this oddball, unaffiliated academic maverick/ outsider guy and I thought he was cool. He always wore the same sweatshirt with a big-ass wolf on it, and it said “Deep Terrain”. I would totally wear that sweatshirt.

I actually have a t-shirt from some crappy tattoo parlor that has a huge jumping tiger on it, but it quickly got absorbed into the rag pile. I might have worn it if I wouldn’t be promoting some place that just tore up a small part of my arm.

Wolf shirt gets you laid

When /b/ attacks?

I have one of those shirts. But it’s of a unicorn.

“Ol Tripod says…
This shirt is excellent for pulling in husky Native American bitches with diabetes.”

Unicorns are different, unicorns are always cool.

[quote=“lot_22”]I live just off Broadway on Magnolia.
I actually have a t-shirt from some crappy tattoo parlor that has a huge jumping tiger on it, but it quickly got absorbed into the rag pile. I might have worn it if I wouldn’t be promoting some place that just tore up a small part of my arm.[/quote]

What shop? I want to stay away.

Messengers are typically strong riders and I respect them a lot. They make sensible bicycle choices as well.

Such as this:

Tiger Dave’s discount tattoo emporium and vacuum repair/supply.

Nothin’ wrong with that at all. Long as you don’t have a wolves howling at the moon in a desert landscape airbrushed in the back window of a truck or anything.[/quote]
Oh boy this is awkward. SO I have a small truck and in the back windows are two white silhouette decals. One of a wolf howling and another of a fox on the prowl…

That is awkward.

Is there any kind of Native American motif included with the wolf?