Where's the dumb questions thread?

My circus monkey cassette body shat the bed. Anyone know where to get a new one?

I rolled the dice and got one from velo orange since their hubs looked the same, worked fine.

if it’s Campy you need, I have one that should work

I remember thinking that they appeared to be identical (because cheap Chinese stuff) when they were initially introduced. Looked to be the same freehub as a first-generation (wired) PowerTap, as well.

Shit. I think I need an axle too.

At that point it’s easier and possibly cheaper to get a new hub.

Would skinwalls looks dope or wack on this bike? What about on belgians vs deep carpet fibers?

Slam 73deg stem, slam saddle, belgiums and gumwalls yes

oppo slam saddle? Otherwise yes to all those things. Plus campy and deep classic dorps. Also, it’s alloy. Take that CAAD10!

I think gumwalls always look nice on mostly greyscale frames.

Shimano historical part DQ:

Ultegra 6500 STI replacement hoods–are they all gone? Are there other model hoods that will work?
Seems like Flight Deck was the big difference from other hood versions which I can actually find. And who ever used Flight Deck?

9sp ultegra STI only shares with 9sp 105. No DA or tiagra. Flight deck doesn’t matter, it just adds buttons to the hoods (there was a version of the levers with and without FD).

Part# Y-6BZ 98090 is what you want. Trawl ebay for remaining NOS units.

Tiagra #Y-6LP 98070 definitely doesn’t fit:


Is it foolish to sell my 7800 group to get a new 5800 group? I’d really like the 52/36 mid compact and I love the black.

Coworker did just that, and immediately regretted it.

Just buy the cranks

Gumwalls look like shit with black parts and/or black alloy rims with machined braking surface.

atmo of course

Yeah… unless that 7800 shit is clapped the fuck out it’s going to work better.

Hated LA and hated the look of 7800 when it came out. 9000 is better right?

Nah, 7800 is the high water mark for Shimano. 9000 is amazing, for sure, but 7800 is basically flawless.