I’d say 1500 is a fair price for a well loved acoustic Bullitt.
oh yeah there’s def a grayson on here
I figured it out and texted him. It’s freaking Gary.
iirc he posted in the new guy thread and someone accidentally or purposefully misread his name as gary and he became goddamnit gary and everyone just called him gary and he was cool with it so
Look how fucking huge this bullitt bag is!!
Also I sold my acoustic model 2-3 years ago for $2200 or so. That still seems to be the going rate over here.
sewing this thing sounds so annoying
The craziest part of this is that that bag is probably like $300 is material costs alone. Probably more. Who fucking made that?!
EDIT: Holy shit I just saw it was made by bagaboo. That was probably more expensive than what I’m selling my bullitt for!
EDIT 2: What the fuck. It’s like 300 euro. Their actual working messenger bag is like 150 euro (but it looks small). I remember bagaboo being this like ultimate euro shop for pro as fuck mess bags like Reload here in the states.
I guess I shouldn’t complain. This is what I wanted Freight to be before they fell off.
It’s so much material. After a 30% discount and shipping it was just about $300. Really well made too.
That thing is amazing and I’m so happy it exists.
Need that CKD picture with his kid in his bag for comparison
Mounted. Have a 27gal bin in there for support but will probably replace that with some coroplast placed between the liner and exterior.
Alright it’s time to upgrade my cargo situation. My kids are too big to fit in the bullitt comfortably together and I think a long tail would be the best place to put these long legged dudes. I’ve looked at a lot of options and it seems like all the e-long-tail cargo bikes are using really small wheels or have suspension or both which I’m not really into. The yuba Mundo is close but one frame size to fit 5’3" to 6’5" doesn’t sound like it will fit me right. I’ve only found the Surly Big Easy that’s the most like a regular bike, I can get it through Q and it’s got 26" wheels and the frame comes in more than once size. I guess 27.5 and 29" just aren’t an option unless I go custom, which I’m not, this will be an appliance, I’m buying this instead of a small car.
I’m pretty well set on this bike, but is there anything I’ve missed that runs regular sized wheels and a comes in big frame sizes?
Ash loves her Madsen and it’s definitely a regular bike that uses regular bike parts including a normal Bafang mid-drive add on kit. So not really an ebike, more of a normal bike that comes with an e-kit preinstalled. It has a 20" rear and a 26" front.
You’re welcome to come give it a test ride. The Surly is a way cooler bike atmo.
I think Madsen coming out with a new model that has the e stuff a little more integrated.
I’m pretty sure Jared Madsen is a mormon and if there’s one thing mormons know about, it’s moving lots of kids around lol
The Xtracycle Stoker uses dual 26" and seems pretty sweet to me but may suffer from the same one-size-fits-most issue that you mentioned.
I’ve got a Big Dummy that I stuck a TSDZ-2 electric kit on. I think if you can swing the Big Easy go for that, but if you can find a deal on an acoustic Dummy it’s something to think about.
I’ve considered the acoustic dummy but I just don’t want another project and I really like the way that all the mid-drive integrated setups ride
yeah if you want big wheels the big dummy is your option. the xtracycle stoker is 24" wheels
Oh dang. That’s dumb.