You're gunna hurt yourself: Carry Shit Olympics (aka the Cargo Bike thread)

It’s getting on towards wintertime, so time to fill the heating oil tank. 5 gallons at a time, and about 20¢/gallon cheaper than if I have it delivered.


Don’t ever change, Orc.


Weird flex but ok.


You should see if you could fill that hot tub Clever Cycles used to have with heating oil and make a quarter of the trips.


Hey Orc, does that trailer have a dynohub?

Yes, it does. And a disc for when I get around to fitting it with a brake.

Unfortunately driving just a taillight from a dynohub seems to blow up the standlight – I need to christmas tree the trailer so I can divvy up the current between more light soutces.

That’s awesome.
How many tail lights could you daisychain on there?

Why don’t you hang a second headlight and run the taillight off that in some amazing rats nest of wires with a connector in the middle.

Of LED taillights? They basically eat no power compared to a headlight, so I’d suspect I could fit 10 of them onto a circuit before the 3d30 started to struggle.

Do you portage just one can at a time for any reason?

Looks like you could fit two? Is two too heavy?

It’d be easy to do two at a time, but the cans are pretty expensive at the local hardware store. If I could find a junker yak, I’d be tempted to build a dedicated tank car with a 15 gallon tank and a siphon, but I find the whole idea of spending money to get a second jerrycan somewhat objectionable.

Walmart has gas cans real cheap. Bet Lowe’s does too.

But if you have big box shopping reservations I understand.

How many trips does it take to fill the tank @ 5/gal per trip?

If I did roundtrips until it was full? About 30. But I’m just going down every day or two and picking up 4-5 gallons (they sell biodiesel at the local and boy howdy that stuff foams like it’s going out of style) which will slowly build up to about 50 gallons before the fucking cold part of winter rolls in and I have to make a run a day to keep up with the heat wicking out of my stupid big poorly insulated house.

As much as I hate to interrupt this look into Orc’s Mad Max/Cormac McCarthy style home maintenance routines, a question:

for those of you with longjohns / other giant box cargo setups: what truck bed liner spray should I use for a bamboo box?

Why do you want to truck line it?

Big bamboo box, not enough friction, lots of rattling noises. I also need to shim the joins of the box boards.

Some truck bed liners have sand particles that may cause more abrasion to things you toss in. Maybe try a couple coats of Plasti Dip? More traction, some dampening and it’s temporary and easy to freshen up.

Aha. That’s what I can do with the excess power from the rear dynohub: A wall of speakers and a flamethrowing ukelele!


yeah, that might be better. I’m looking for something with a foam rubber-esque finish, not a super high-grip finish. I could probably just use gaffer tape…